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Last Comments

Stephen Shuey (Trek Question): According to the first St…
Joseph Gurner (STAR TREK Line of…): Almost makes me want to d…
Deedee (Triple Sighting): I wanted to see it, but i…
Lain (In The Heat Of Th…): I’d go see this movie, bu…
Stewart (More Trek Links): I’ll probably buy the rem…
Lain (Stupid and Contag…): “Hey, Mom, these new snea…
David (Stupid and Contag…): “So light, you’ll swear t…
Joe (Stupid and Contag…): That’s not as bad as the …
Stewart (By Will Alone I S…): Possible trivia team name…
Capcom (All These Worlds.…): I’m glad that you decided…
Joe (All These Worlds.…): I found it nearly impossi…
Lain (All These Worlds.…): My favorite was 2010, I m…
Lain (By Will Alone I S…): I know a guy who might bu…
Joe (By Will Alone I S…): I read Dune Messiah, Chil…
Lain (By Will Alone I S…): I just read Dune for the …
Joe (By Will Alone I S…): I just don’t know that Du…
alice (Today In History): The frist docking was Atl…
Joe (Patent filing sho…): That would definitely sea…
David (STS-123 Update): Yes, that’s exactly what …
Joe (STS-123 Update): So, what you’re saying is…

Quick Hits

+ 2 - 3 | § X Prize Cup 2006 Web site goes live

Cool, though XPC is still more potential than they would have had you believe at the S2 flight of SpaceShipOne.

+ 1 - 1 | § Interview with Ellen Feiss

Turns out, she's all into visual arts now. Wonder if that was a result of switching, or vice versa.

+ 0 - 2 | § Concept art from Bennett's Starfleet Academy

Including possibly the best official slash-Kirk artwork to date.

+ 0 - 2 | § Alabama barbecue restaurants spreading

Always nice to be able to share a little good news.

+ 1 - 1 | § MacUser is Back

Apparently MacWorld has brought back the brand from their erstwhile long-time competitor (in retrospect, probably not really that long-time, but it certainly seemed that way when the buyout occurred) for a Mac blog site.

+ 0 - 2 | § Jesus for Jobs*

*This offer not limited to Steve Jobs.

+ 1 - 4 | § And the winner of the Most Forced Acronym Award...


+ 4 - 2 | § Does super-sweat let Superman fly?

And other scientific musings...

+ 0 - 2 | § Best Week Ever: New Mac Ads

I should probably take exception to these, but ...

+ 1 - 1 | § Is Han Solo's mother-in-law his daughter?

Uh, 'cause that would just be weird.

+ 1 - 1 | § Artifacts of 'Star Trek'

A look at the upcoming auction.

+ 1 - 1 | § Apple releases $899 iMac for education...

'Cause obviously college students don't need large hard drives.


+ 0 - 2 | jPod




Release Dates

Dec. 4
Dec. 11
Lost Season 3 DVD
Dec. 18
Simpsons Movie DVD
Feb. 12
Shadow/Moon DVD
May 22
Indiana Jones 4 M
Dec. 25
Star Trek XI M

Think Different

In honor of the STS-107 crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia

Microsoft: Embrace Mediocrity

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Time remaining until the STS-124 launch of Discovery:


"All These Worlds" is a blog by David Hitt. It covers space exploration, Apple-type stuff, decent science fiction, media issues, humor (by its very nature), and whatever else I happen to find cool.


Aerospace Events


3/8 -- Jules Verne ATV launch

NET 3/11 -- STS-123 launch


4/8 -- Exp. 17 Soyuz launch


NET 5/25 -- STS-124 launch


NET 8/28 -- STS-125 launch


? -- Dragon I launch


10/12 -- Exp. 18 Soyuz launch

NET 10/16 -- STS-126 launch
? -- LRO launch


NET 12/4 -- STS-119 launch


? -- Japanese HTV-1 launch


NET 3/12 -- STS-127 launch


NET 4/15 -- Ares I-X launch
NET 4/9 -- STS-128 launch


NET 7/9 -- STS-129 launch


NET 9/30 -- STS-130 launch


? -- Silver Dart orbital test flight

Unknown 2009

Mid-year -- Silver Dart flight
Fall -- Mars Science Lab launch
? -- DreamChaser suborbital flight
? -- Rocketplane XP first flight


NET 4/1 -- STS-132 launch


? -- Ares I-Y launch


? -- Orion 1 launch


? -- Orion 2 crewed launch

Other Missions
STS-131STS-133Shenzhou VIIShenzhou IXShenzhou X
All dates subject to change.


My Profile

Name: David Hitt
About Me: Inspiring the next generation of explorers...
See my complete profile



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Monday, 31 July 2006

Another iPhone Update

iPhoneOK, two iPhone posts in one day, sorry. This one is more of a discussion topic, though.

I was talking with a friend about what might be included on an iPhone, were one actually about to be announced next week, bouncing potential features back and forth. Here's my take on the list.

What I would want:

  • Phone capability -- Obviously, if it's a phone, I want to be able to call people with it.

  • E-mail -- I want it to be compatible with the e-mail I get through Apple Mail.

  • iChat -- Yeah, my current phone has IM capability, and I hardly ever use it. But I want something more like actual iChat on my phone, and I want VoIP to other iChat-capable phones and to computers with iChat.

  • Bluetooth -- Another obvious one, but I have to say this now to lay the groundwork for the next entry:

  • Mac Syncing -- With iCal and Address Book. Easy syncing. Both ways.

  • Camera -- With the tiny, tiny iSights that are in Mac notebooks now, it really wouldn't make sense not to have one on the phone.

  • Remote control -- Sure, why not? Let me use the phone for the same functions I currently don't use my Front Row remote for.

Things it may have that I'm ambivalent about:

  • Music -- Being an Apple phone, it's probably going to have some sort of iTunes functionality. But, you know what? I don't really care. If my phone were my iPod, I might use it for both, but I'd rather have a "true video iPod" and a decent phone than both together.

  • Photos -- iPods sync with iPhoto, so will iPhones? In some ways, it might be nice, like if there's an easy way to add a picture to a phonebook listing or to the wallpaper of the phone. But carrying around a big collection of pictures? Eh.

  • Video -- I do want video iChat capability to other iChat phones and to Macs. And I want to be able to take pictures and shoot video with my phone like I can now. But beyond that, like watching video clips or something on my phone? Again, eh.

  • Web browsing -- Again, it's Apple, so why wouldn't it have a version of Safari on board? That said, I don't know how much I'd use it without the phone being larger than I would want it to be.

  • Full-featured PDA -- I guess it's a possibility. If Apple enters the PDA market again, it's going to be in a way that does not in anyway evoke the Newton, and riffing off the iPod could do that. That said, despite the fact that it's like the buzzword for the the naughties (our nameless current decade), I'm not a big fan of convergence. I want my devices to do what they do well, more than I want them to do multiple things. I have a hard time imagine a device that would be convenient to use as a PDA that wouldn't be a clunky phone.

Other ideas:

  • Mini Mac OS X -- You can have the iPhone in the next few months, or you can have it with a version of OS X. But not both. I don't think there's going to be a "lite" version of OS X until Leopard, at the earliest. But, then, I would have thought the same thing about Intel and Tiger, so there you go.

  • Application support -- Pretty much the same situation.

So, what do you want your iPhone to do?
And if you were handicapping the odds of what it will do -- you know, if it actually ever exists -- what do you think?

STS-125 Update

SpaceDev logoFor the Hubble-huggers in the ATW audience, has a look at the safety issues involved in HSM-4.

According to the article, Griffin has said no decision will be made until after the end of STS-115.

The one thing NASA could do that would give me some degree of confidence in a Hubble mission, and I realize there are reasons why this won't happen, would be to launch two station missions so that both are in space at the same time. (I realize flight rules say they can't both be docked at the same time, but even if one launched the day before the other was to land, there would be an overlap, and that would give the station crew a little bit of time to regroup.) Doing this successfully would prove that it would be possible to send a rescue crew up in the event of damage to an orbiter on the servicing mission. (Of course, truth be told, Hubble aside, I just would like to see them do this once before the shuttle's retired. Oh well.)

STS-115 Update

STS-115 mission patchPer NASA:
Due to weather conditions, the scheduled roll out of Space Shuttle Atlantis to Launch Pad 39B was delayed. The new target time for first motion is set for no earlier than 10:00 p.m. EDT tonight.

The launch window for this mission to resume construction of the International Space Station opens Aug. 27. During their 11 days in space, the astronauts will install the integrated P3/P4 truss segment with its two large solar arrays that will provide one-fourth of the total power generation capability of the completed station.

OK, that's an argument against me trying to go see the launch. This delay, and the fact that the new launch date is the day before the anniversary of Katrina, might make one believe there's a chance there may be some weather issues for 115 as well. Who knows, though?

Of course, with a Sept. 1 deadline for the book, I may be otherwise occupied around that time anyway. (Though, really, I should have placed the manuscript in the mail by then, and be ready to celebrate.)

Addendum: OK, so now there's talk of a Saturday launch. Which would change things again. Hrm.

Casting My Vote

SpaceDev logoOK, I just did something cool. (Well, to me, at least.)

For the first time, I just cast my proxy vote as a shareholder of a public corporation in preparation for SpaceDev, Inc.'s annual shareholder meeting next week.

Nothing major on the docket, and my shares have exactly zero sway, I realize, but even so it's somewhat exciting to be actually participating, in a very very very minor way, in the future of commercial spaceflight. To be honest, I bought SpaceDev in no small part because they were cheap, though their SpaceShipOne connection (and accompanying slight Huntsville connection) was certainly a factor, also.

Now, though, I'm somewhat partial to their plans for the Dream Chaser, and would love to see it become a reality.

iPhone Update

iPhoneSay, hypothetically, you were one of those people who like coming up with internet rumors. Specifically, Apple rumors. The Apple community whips itself up into such a rumor frenzy pre-Stevenote that if you can come up with a good enough one, you can see your work on fairly major Apple sites, and snicker to your friends at what you've pulled off.

The trick is come up with a believable combination of what and when. You need a product, and you need an announcement time. If those two are good enough, you just make up a few details, and you're gold.

The second part, this time of year, is obvious. The when is Stevenote. For the what, there are several obvious options. The Mac Pro, in fact, is too obvious. I'd be willing to put money on that one. Better choices, for getting people excited, at least, are the "true video iPod" and the "iPhone," both of which are now firmly ingrained in the Mac afficianado consciousness but lack much in the way of firm evidence.

So that's why I'm taking the Engadget report over the weekend with a grain of salt. A friend of a friend took photos of this Apple phone that's supposed to come out in August? I mean, how hard would that be to come up with.

That said, it's looking like there actually is maybe a small amount of evidence that a phone is coming soon, in the form of references in the latest iPod firmware to phone functions.

Anyway, Stevenote is one week from today. We'll see soon enough.

Ah, George

Warwick DavisLooking ahead to the Theatrical Version releases of the original Star Wars trilogy, DVD Active takes a look at all the ways Lucas Special Edition'd up the Prequel Trilogy for its DVD release. (Among other things, giving the shaft to poor old Warwick Davis, the hardest working short guy in Star Wars who isn't Kenny Baker.)

Dude, just lay off already. Sheesh.

Superman, Cut Again

SupermanGood news! It appears that the new Donner Cut of Superman II is not going to be included in the big super-deluxe (er, so to speak) Superman box set coming out in November.

That's good news because the new version is reportedly going to be sold separately. I'm really interested in seeing it, but was not to keen on the idea of having to buy a $80 Supes box set in order to see it. I mean, I like Superman and all, and would be kinda interested in the four-discs for Supes I and the two for Supes II, but really don't care much about paying that much so that I can also have III, IV and Supergirl. Paying $25 (MSRP, so it'll be less when it's released) for the Supes II re-cut is a much more prospect.

Now, if they'd put together a "trilogy" box set with I, II and Returns when it's released, that might be tempting.

Friday, 28 July 2006

Aliens Among Us

Project P.R.O.V.E.It turns out, according to Project P.R.O.V.E. at least, that a UFO was spotted during the STS-121 mission. Not only that, but a self-luminous UFO the size of a small city that wasn't noticed from the ground, despite being at cloud level.

Soaring Eagle

SamaritanI don't do a lot of comic book blogging here, but, I have to say that I really enjoyed the one-shot Astro City Samaritan Special that came out this week.

The current Dark Ages maxi-series is OK, but this stand-alone made me remember why I fell in love with the series.

STS-115 Update

STS-115 mission patchAs speculated, the STS-115 launch of Atlanis has been moved forward one day due to scheduling conflicts with the Expedition 14 crew's Soyuz launch.

The launch is now scheduled for August 27, at 4:29:47 p.m. EDT.

(I've said I wouldn't even consider trying to go to this launch unless it were moved, so this complicates things for me. Oh well.)


Newton vs. UMPCPer TUAW:
Way back in March Dave Caolo wrote a post called 'I already have an Ultra-Mobile PC: It's called a Newton' with tongue planted firmly in cheek. It would seem that Cnet UK agrees with Dave.

They pitted a Messagepad 2100 against a Samsung Q1 and unbelievably the Newton won. It won based on battery life (two double AA's power it for 30 hours) and price. I'm not expecting to see a resurgence of Newtons out there but it would be nice, wouldn't it?

It took me a little while to really find a niche for my Newton (The WiFi capability, for example, while very cool, turned out, for me, not to have much practical application), but now that I realized I could use my PDA as a PDA, it's become a permanent feature for me, having succeeded and getting my sort of halfway organized, at least in my schedule.

Thursday, 27 July 2006

Pitching In

An announcement sent out today at work: "Come out and support your fellow Marshall employees as they take on the Army in an all-star softball game."

I mean, I love NASA as much as the next guy, but I have to say, I'm really hoping the Army wins this one. If our Army can't even beat NASA personnel in a physical contest, that's just kinda scary.

Dude, I'm So Faced

HatbagThis week's new Hatbag is online, along with a little bonus bit that only a few of our readers will be able to enjoy. 'Cause that's the kinda people we are. Deal with it.

As always, please vote Hatbag. Thanks.

Regular Richie Feature

RichieYeah, it's kinda soon to be doing another Regular Richie Feature, but I got one of my favorite recent search strings. It doesn't seem to really go anywhere, so I'm really curious what inspired it:A few other recent searches:
  • space camp movie pics

  • trek tokyopop

  • STS-125 rumors and space shuttle

  • mickey mouse ears

  • STS-120 UFO

  • CEV rumor NASA blog

  • all these worlds hitt

  • 0('.')0

  • Enzo khayat

Aqua Interface

AquamanOK, I'm slow. I'd seen the news about all the new WB content on iTMS, and had seen that the Aquaman pilot was among it, but I don't know that I knew that the show hadn't been picked up.

I have no idea if this has happened before, but the idea of a dead pilot being made available like this is rather cool, in my opinion. I don't know that I'll be watching Aquaman, since, frankly, there's a reason I didn't know it hadn't been picked up, but I certainly wouldn't mind having a decent copy of, say, the Global Frequency pilot.

Wednesday, 26 July 2006

Monopoly On Debit Cards

Monopoly gameThere's a new British version of Monopoly that replaces the game's colorful cash with VISA cards.

Space Falls

Bill Pullman in SpaceballsPer The Baltimore Sun:
[Bill Pullman]'s in Baltimore to fine-tune Expedition 6, the play that he has written and is directing about three astronauts, two Americans and one Russian, who were stranded on the International Space Station in 2003. (The play still is being developed, but the public is invited to attend two open rehearsals this weekend.)
After the shuttle Columbia exploded on Feb. 1, 2003, killing all seven crew members, space missions were halted temporarily. Americans Kenneth Bowersox and Donald Pettit and Russian cosmonaut Nikolai Budarin were forced to spend an additional two months orbiting 240 miles above Earth.

When they did attempt re-entry in a tiny Russian Soyuz spacecraft in May 2003, the crew lost radio control with aeronautics officials for 90 minutes and landed nearly 290 miles off course, in the steppes of Kazakhstan.
Until Expedition 6, Pullman never had written a play, but he was captivated by the plight of the trio and their eventual rescue.

"This story never got the attention it deserved," he says. "On March 20, 2003, the war started, and for months afterward, everything else that happened in the world was sort of buried in the back of the paper."
Pullman instantly realized the potential of actors on trapezes for dramatizing a story about space exploration, and he and McCray Rincon joined forces. Expedition 6 incorporates excerpts from such sources as the Quran, newspaper interviews with the astronauts, speeches by Osama bin Laden and NASA reports, and it features recent graduates of the theater training program.

As Pullman read and wrote and thought, the rescue of the three explorers gradually formed into a metaphor. The two Americans and one Russian were alone, adrift and tremendously vulnerable. Their plight symbolized the fragility of the very notion of international brotherhood. Every time that year that Pullman picked up a newspaper, he was struck by the ease with which that ideal could be shattered.

"What we have in mind is to take Expedition 6 to 10 cities with connections with the aerospace industry," Pullman says. "We'd also like to have ancillary activities going on around it: lectures and panel discussions, a real Chautauqua kind of a thing," he says, referring to an educational movement that flourished throughout the United States in the early 20th century.

STS-115 Update

atlantis is mated with SRB/ET stack


Facebook on iTunesSo Facebook and iTunes are teaming up to distribute free music samplers. On the one hand, you don't get to pick the music, and it's not like I'm hurting for iTunes give-away tracks in my collection. On the other, hey, free music.

The catch is, I'd have to register for Facebook (which apparently I can do, though it seems not everyone can). Does anyone have any experience with Facebook? Is it worth the time and effort?

Funny 'Cause It's "True"

Wikipedia celebrationPer The Onion:
Wikipedia, the online, reader-edited encyclopedia, honored the 750th anniversary of American independence on July 25 with a special featured section on its main page Tuesday.

"It would have been a major oversight to ignore this portentous anniversary," said Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, whose site now boasts over 4,300,000 articles in multiple languages, over one-quarter of which are in English, including 11,000 concerning popular toys of the 1980s alone. "At 750 years, the U.S. is by far the world's oldest surviving democracy, and is certainly deserving of our recognition," Wales said. "According to our database, that's 212 years older than the Eiffel Tower, 347 years older than the earliest-known woolly-mammoth fossil, and a full 493 years older than the microwave oven."

Tuesday, 25 July 2006

Saving Skylab

skylab mock-up interiorFinally, a much-needed effort is beginning to restore the deteriorating Skylab mock-up at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center here in Huntsville.

I'm very excited to see this project getting started; it's really a shame what has been allowed to happen to this relic.

(Not much to post at the moment -- though there are some of my pictures at that link -- I'm mainly just posting this as a heads-up because I'll almost certainly be following up as they get further in the project.)

Enduring Spirit

SpiritThe Spirit rover on Mars has passed another milestone -- it's now operated for 10 times its nominal mission.

Originally planned with a 90-sol lifespan, Spirit recently marked its 900th sol on the Red Planet.

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Hundreds Of Worlds

exoplanet artworkPer USA Today:
In real life, science fiction turns into science with little fanfare, certainly a disappointment for fans of zap guns, teleportation and mini-skirted aliens. Take the discovery of planets circling nearby stars — a minor sensation a few years ago, but now almost humdrum. With little fanfare though, planet detectives have now found an astounding 200 planets orbiting nearby stars.

A little more than a decade ago, that number was zero. Since that time, planet detections have confirmed astronomers' suspicions stretching back centuries, along with many a space opera writer's plot outline.

More iPod Rumors

apple logoThe big question raised by the rumors of an all-screen-front iPod is how does it stay clean?

Rumors earlier this year would have you believe that the "true video iPod" would have a screen that took up its entire front, without the traditional physical scroll wheel. Instead, a scroll wheel would appear on the touch-sensitive screen and would allow you to control the iPod. But if you control the thing by rubbing your fingers on the screen, what keeps fingerprints from obscuring what you're watching?

Of course, those rumors may have no validity to them whatsoever. But, if there is some truth there, MacRumors may have the answer -- you don't touch the screen.

The site is reporting a rumor that the new iPods will feature new technology that can detect gestures near the screen, so you could, for example, just point at the scroll wheel and operate it without touching it. If true, that would be the coolest iPod development yet.

Look, Ma, No Tail

wireless mighty mouseSo, yeah, a Bluetooth Mighty Mouse.

A bit rich for my blood, at $70, but cool nonetheless.

And less than two weeks until the next Stevenote.

Trek Question

enterprise bFor the Trek-stuff-knowing people in the ATW audience -- When did we learn definitively that the Enterprise-B was an Excelsior class vessel? I'm thinking the ship didn't actually appear until Generations, but that maybe a model or artwork was seen before that? (Perhaps in Picard's ready room?)

Monday, 24 July 2006

Rise Of The Androids

robot kirkIt's about time that modern science brought us What Are Little Girls Made Of?

STS-115 Update

STS-115 mission patchAs of this morning, Atlantis is in the VAB, and the stacking process will begin today.

Rollout to Pad 39B is scheduled for one week from today.

According to the current schedule, launch is scheduled for one month, four days from today. And, here's a phrase that hasn't been applied to a shuttle launch for a while -- But it could be a little bit sooner.


iPod with ebookEngadget is reporting rumors that the next iPod will have eBook capabilities, and that the iTMS might be selling the books.

In general, I'm in favor of any new capabilities being added to the iPod, but not if it interferes with the core functionality. Even with the sort of design shown in several mock-ups of an iPod with the screen taking up the entire front, it doesn't seem like it would be large enough to really be at all convenient for reading; and I don't know that making changes to fix that would improve the iPod in general.

So, yeah, I'd be OK with Apple doing it, I guess, even if I probably wouldn't take advantage of it, as long as it didn't mess up what I would use a new iPod for.

Superman Returns Again

Superman returnsDo you know the Kryptonian proverb that tells us revenge is a dish that is best served cold?

To Boldly Tease...

star trek teaser poster

So, yeah, new teaser poster for the next Trek movie, only two years early.

But I think I approve.

Friday, 21 July 2006

Naming CEV

Ares I with CEVSpace spoilsport Robert Pearlman may have taken away the excitement of the announcement of the name for NASA's new Crew Exploration Vehicle by finding what appears to be the name via a public document search.

According to collectSPACE, NASA has received a federal trademark for the use of the name Orion for the CEV.

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Buy A Walk

Space AdventuresSpace Adventures has announced they've struck a deal to be able to sell spacewalks on their ISS tourism flights. Adding the spacewalk option would bump up the cost by another $15 million, bringing the total to $35 million.

I see the appeal, and it would be a very cool experience, but, man, it strikes me as a bad, bad idea, and a huge waste of station resources. (NASA was quoted this morning as saying they have not been contacted about the plans by any partner agency.)

STS-115 Update

STS-115 mission patchPer Spaceflight Now:
Space shuttle Atlantis will move closer to its first flight in almost four years when the orbiter is hauled into Kennedy Space Center's Vehicle Assembly Building at sunrise Monday.

Perched atop the 76-wheel Orbiter Transporter System, the shuttle will driven a quarter-mile from its hangar to the VAB around 6 a.m. EDT (1000 GMT).
Rollout to launch pad 39B is expected on Monday, July 31, if all goes well.

Atlantis will resume construction of the International Space Station with delivery of the outpost's second set of power-generating solar arrays. Liftoff had been targeted for August 28. However, managers are looking at moving up the launch date to Sunday, August 27. The preferred launch time within the day's 10-minute window would 4:30 p.m. EDT (2030 GMT).

You know, it's still kind of hard to believe that everything is moving ahead on a regular schedule. Part of me keeps waiting for the announcement that there's going to be another major delay. I've worked at Marshall for almost four years now, during which time there have been five launches, three of which were in the first five months. It's going to be nice to work for a NASA that actually launches people into space regularly. (And here's hoping CEV development is funded adequately, and proceeds quickly. By the time the shuttle fleet is retired, it will mean regular flights were made regularly for about half of my eight years here, if I'm still around [which I'd hope to be]. A good delay for CEV, and being grounded would once again be the rule, rather than the exception.)

The Kevin Smith-Hatbag Connection

The Hatbag site had its highest-traffic day since we installed the new counter yesterday, because the folks over at NewsAskew were kind enough to link to this week's Clerks-homage Easter Egg strip (And I got my name listed as a scooper). Thanks, guys!

Thursday, 20 July 2006

It's Good To Be King

HatbagSo not only did we have this week's new Hatbag all queued up to publish automatically at midnight like it's supposed to for the first time in almost a month, but we've even thrown in a hidden Easter Egg strip at the same time.

As always, please vote Hatbag. Thanks.

Super Stamps

DC comics stampsI blogged about them a while back, but the new DC stamps will go on sale tomorrow.

Also Today In History

viking 2 on marsToday marks the 30th anniversary of the Viking I landing on Mars.

Arguably the first successful Mars lander mission, NASA's Viking 1 and 2 missions to Mars, each consisting of an orbiter and a lander, became the first space probes to obtain high resolution images of the Martian surface; characterize the structure and composition of the atmosphere and surface; and conduct on-the-spot biological tests for life on another planet (the results of which, 30 years later, are still the subject of some controversy).

This bit amused me: "Originally designed to function for 90 days, the Viking spacecraft continued collecting data for more than six years." Was that 90 days established using the same technique used to predict the 90-day lifespan of Spirit and Opportunity? Or, perhaps, the conversation went something like, "So, how long do you think these rovers will last on Mars?" "I think they should be able to last as long as Viking did." "Oh, so 90 days, then?"

Alias: Lost Trek Update

starfleet academy logoTrekWeb has an interview with J.J. Abrams where he talks about Star Trek XI in more length than I've seen to date, though he still doesn't actually say anything.

Today In History

buzz aldrin on the moon

Celebrate the occasion by playing the lunar lander game I commissioned a couple of years back.

Quarterly Report

apple logoIt's always a nice thing to go online and see that I made like $80 on my Apple stock overnight. (If only it wasn't just recouping part of the well-over-a-hundred-bucks I'd lost on it.) Obviously, big Apple news recently, in this case a rather positive quarter report announcement. To wit:

Wednesday, 19 July 2006

Returned To Flight

STS-115 mission patchPer AFP:
With Discovery and its crew of six safely back on Earth, NASA set its eyes on next month's scheduled launch that should mark the resumption of regular shuttle flights.

Monday's conclusion of Discovery's near-flawless 13-day mission marked a milestone for the US space program that has been plagued by continuing problems and safety concerns since Columbia broke apart in a fiery reentry on February 1, 2003.

"It was an enormously successful flight ... we're back on track," said NASA chief Michael Griffin after Discovery's smooth touchdown at the Kennedy Space Center on Florida's Atlantic Coast.

And, per the AP:
NASA faces 16 more shuttle flights to complete the space station and, hopefully, repair the popular Hubble Space Telescope before the shuttle fleet is grounded in 2010. A decision is expected by fall on whether to send a shuttle to Hubble one final time to extend the observatory's life.

Craft of the Day

Learn how to make a bookshelf -- out of books!

Scanning Librarian

Delicious Library screenshootAfter reading an item on TUAW about Delicious Library being on sale, I went home last night and bought a copy.

The program allows you to keep a library of your music, movies, books and games, and lets you enter them in by scanning the barcode with your iSight. Hold the book or whatever in front of your computer's camera and it reads the barcode and gets the movie info from Amazon.

When I tried it with my books last night it was kind of hit-or-miss; there were several books it didn't know, but that may say more about my library than the software. I'm looking forward to trying it out with my movies, which was the main thing I bought it for anyway.

Tuesday, 18 July 2006

The Times They Are A'Changing

A lamp at the entrance to the The New York Times buildingPer The AP:
The New York Times Co. plans to reduce the width of its flagship newspaper by an inch and a half and close a printing plant in Edison, N.J., resulting in the loss of about 250 jobs, the company announced Tuesday.

The reduction in width will bring the paper's size in line with what is becoming an industry standard. USA Today, the nation's largest-selling daily, already prints on the smaller size, and Dow Jones & Co.'s Wall Street Journal, the No. 2-selling daily, is moving to the smaller size early next year.

The changes at The New York Times will go into effect by the second quarter of 2008, the company said in a statement early Tuesday, and will save about $42 million a year. The job cuts account for about one-third of the Times' total production work force of 800.

My Obit

'What will your obituary say?' at
Thanks, Nik

Blowing Up In Space Update

Genesis IPer
Turns out that Genesis-1 is toting a NASA payload – a shoeboX-Sized experiment dubbed “GeneBox” – a miniature laboratory that includes sensors and optical systems that can detect proteins and specific genetic activity.

The plan is to activate the GeneBox in a few weeks time with the micro-lab’s data relayed to the ground for further analysis. This trial run of hardware onboard Genesis-1 is a forerunner of tiny spacecraft called GeneSats being pursued by NASA Ames Research Center specialists.
Also onboard the Genesis-1, lots of personal items from Bigelow Aerospace employees. The space firm released footage from one of six interior cameras viewing the “Fly Your Stuff” payload supplied by Bigelow Aerospace employees. The objects are seen fluttering around within the module due to internal fans.


apple logoThink Secret has posted a couple of new rumors about possible announcements for the August 7 Stevenote.

One is that the iPod nano line will see its first major update since its release last fall. The new version would see not only, of course, increased capacity, but at least some models would feature metal cases in different colors (perhaps somewhat reminiscent of the still-popular-though-cancelled iPod mini line). The "true video iPod," however, is still apparently a good ways off.

The other rumor is that Steve will announce a iTunes movie rental service, having lost out to the studios in the battle to get movies on iTMS. If true, they'd have to be pretty darned cheap for me to use the service. (Although, to be fair, I'm probably not the primary audience for movies on iTunes at all, preferring to pay just a little bit more to have a hard copy. Even now, I use iTMS fairly frequently to buy individual tracks, but generally buy CDs when I'm shopping for entire albums.)

For those that prefer their iPod rumors a little more ambitious, this should tide you over.

Trek Gets Animated On DVD

animated trek DVD setIt's been rumored for a while (generally incorrectly), but now it's official -- Star Trek: The Animated Series hits DVD on Nov. 21. The packaging is rather cool, too, and should like nice on the shelf next to the TOS DVDs.

Monday, 17 July 2006

Blowing Up In Space Update

Genesis I
Yeah, so it's a two-big-pictures-on-the-same-day day. Sorry.

Anyway, the picture above is the first image of Bigelow Aerospace's Genesis I module inflated in orbit.

That, folks, is the future of space tourism.

STS-115 Update

STS-115 mission patchNASA and Roskosmos are discussing potential changes to the shuttle and Soyuz launch schedules since there is a potential conflict between the flight of STS-115 and the launch of the ISS Expedition 14 crew on Soyuz.

Unfortunately, the thing they're trying to avoid -- which is against mission rules -- would be kinda cool if they would do it. Under the current schedule, it sets up the possibility that both Soyuz would arrive for the crew change-out while Atlantis was still at ISS. That would mean there would be three crewed spacecraft docked with ISS simultaneously (in addition to, I believe, a Progress or two) and a record twelve people woudl be aboard. However, as neat as that may be, it turns out its a bad idea.

The agencies are reportedly leaning towards shortening the STS-115 window and pushing the Expedition 14 launch back a few days. There's also talk of opening the 115 window a little bit earlier (which would move it into the weekend. Hmmmm...)

If Atlantis misses the August/September window, there's a three-day window in late October, which, if used, would allow STS-116 to stay on schedule for Dec. 14.

Picture Of The Day

first photo from of gods and men
The pic above is the first photo from the Star Trek "fan-film" "Of Gods And Men."

I have to say, it's rather cool seeing Nichols and Koenig in uniform again.

Mac Pro

Mac Pro mock-upSo the one rumor pretty much everyone is in agreement on regarding the August 7 Stevenote is that we're going to see some Mac Pros. (And everyone is also pretty much in agreement that's what the Intel PowerMac analog will be called.

My interest in this is largely academic, since there's basically no chance that I'm ever going to own one. (I guess I might get one at work in another two years, but that doesn't mean much now.)

The rumor now is that, unlike when the G3, G4 and G5 towers were introduced, there will not be a major case revision; the Mac Pro will look pretty similar to the current G5s. Kinda disappointing, but, again, doesn't matter much to me.

Of more interest to me is the fact that there are rumors that the Mac Pro will be the first Macintosh to sport Blu-ray optical drives, but that they likely won't ship with the ones announced next month, but will be added maybe early next year. However, there are rumors that the first Mac Pros will have an empty optical drive slot to make it easy to drop Blu-ray in later.

Addendum: iPod rumor update. This makes me sad.

STS-121 Final Update

STS-121 mission patch'Wheels stop."

The STS-121 crew and the space shuttle Discovery have returned safely to Earth after a successful 13-day mission to the International Space Station.

It is currently one month, 11 days until the scheduled STS-115 launch of Atlantis. (The countdown box in the lefthand sidebar has been reset.)

Sunday, 16 July 2006

Lazy Sunday

I went to the Third Annual Apollo/Saturn V Reunion at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center last night, but, since my photos and notes are already posted at collectSPACE, rather than reposting it here, I'm just going to direct you there.

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Friday, 14 July 2006

Sidebar Update Update

ATW logoHaving found some more information that supports and clarifies some of the stuff I wasn't sure about, I've gone back into the left-hand sidebar and made a few more additions to the launch schedule info. While tentative, this means the shuttle launch schedule is now complete.

In fact, it's arguably more than complete, since the missions I added include STS-125, which would be the final Hubble servicing mission, but which I do not believe is officially go at this point.

Shuttle Sighting Update

shuttle docked to stationThe Discovery thing has started packing things up to leave the station tomorrow at 6:08 a.m. and begin the two-day trip home.

During the return trip, there may be opportunities to see the two spacecraft following each other through robit. You can visit Skywatch to see when or whether they'll pass over your location.

Think Less Different

apple logoPer MacWorld:
Apple has to take the emphasis off its creative image to attract a wider market, according to Apple’s UK director Mark Rogers.

"There is the challenge of how you address the particular need that the customer has, rather than pitch the Mac purely as the creative tool, as I think that scares a lot of people off," explained Rogers. "A lot of people don’t want to be creative, or don’t think they want to be creative," he added.

Rather than focusing on its creative image, Apple needs to address the issues that matter. "People are saying what I need is a machine that doesn’t crash every ten minutes, and doesn’t succumb to thousands of viruses and within a month," he explained.

Find out more about how Apple intends to address this market in the September issue of Macworld, out now.

So, what do you think? Good idea, or bad?

And, for the Mac users out there, what do you think, personally? I'm all for more people using Macs, but would this affect your identification with the brand?

Thursday, 13 July 2006

Picture Of The Day

ISS planned complete

At the U.S. Space & Rocket Center last week, I made the comment to someone that their outdated -- and overly ambitious -- artwork of what the International Space Station would look like when finished needed a little footnote: "*NOTE: Actual Space Station may vary from model pictured here."
The picture above, though, is the current planned complete version of ISS, and, assuming the shuttle is actually ready to start flying regularly again, seems to be an attainable goal.
In contrast, here's the station's configuration prior to Discovery's arrival.
More images of the planned complete status can be found here.

Blowing Up In Space Update

Bigelow AerospacePer
Robert Bigelow, head of Bigelow Aerospace has confirmed that the Genesis-1 spacecraft has successfully expanded. “We have also confirmed that all of the solar arrays have been deployed,” he noted.

At the firm’s mission control center in Las Vegas, Nevada, information has been acquired from Genesis-1. “The ISC Kosmotras Dnepr rocket has flawlessly delivered the Genesis-1 into the target orbit of 550 kilometers altitude at 64 degrees inclination,” Bigelow said.
“It’s going better than we would have anticipated,” added Mike Gold, corporate counsel for Bigelow Aerospace in Washington, D.C. Both he and Pierson, and other Bigelow Aerospace personnel were on hand for the Dnepr liftoff that placed Genesis-1 into Earth orbit.

Trivial Pursuits

HatbagThis week's new Hatbag is now online!

And please vote Hatbag. Thanks.

Superman Never Made Any Money...

Superman returnsSuperman needs your help!

Wednesday, 12 July 2006

Career Options


STS-121 Update

STS-121 mission patchPer Spaceflight Now:
The Discovery astronauts, working through a relatively relaxed day of space station equipment and supply transfers, say the shuttle's trouble-free launch and lack of significant impact damage show NASA is finally ready to put the Columbia tragedy behind it.

"My brother put it very well," pilot Mark Kelly, whose twin brother, Scott, is also an astronaut, told The Associated Press. "I spoke to him on what's called the IP phone, which is an internet phone, and he said 'we're back, baby!'"

Editorial Note

I'm kinda busy, so blogging will be light, probably the rest of the week.

Tuesday, 11 July 2006

Sidebar Update

ATW logoEven though it is a complete exercise in futility, I've finally, after way too long, gotten around to updating the Aerospace Events box in the left-hand sidebar, making the assumption that with the success, so far, of STS-121, the shuttle may be able to resume flying something like a regular schedule.

That said, all of the dates listed are extremely subject to change.

I've also updated several of the individual mission pages, and added a few more of those. Those, too, are very subject to change.

Blowing Up In Space

Bigelow AerospaceRussia has had some problems with launch vehicles in the last few years (as India did yesterday), but if the payload of a rocket scheduled for launch tomorrow blows up in orbit, then things will have gone perfectly.

According to Cosmic Log, Bigelow Aerospace's Genesis 1 inflatable space module is scheduled for launch tomorrow on a Russian rocket. As CL puts it, "If Bigelow Aerospace's Genesis 1 inflatable space module lifts off successfully, the test mission could mark a significant step toward an era of hotels and even sports complexes in space."

In my mind, Bigelow's work is possibly the most important step in the development of orbital space tourism, providing a destination in space where people would actually want to go. Sure, just being in orbit would be great, but to really enjoy it, you need space to float around, and volume is going to be a huge limitation for developers of early generations of commercial orbital vehicles. Bigelow provides a solution -- spacecraft builders can focus on developing an efficient (read: small and cheap) launch spacecraft, with the real experience for tourists being on his facility.

Even so, those vehicles are still years away. But knowing a major step towards that destination could come tomorrow makes the future seem that much closer.

The Fix Is In

EvA picThanks to yesterday's spacewalk, the International Space Station's robot arm mobile transporter platform is once again mobile.

The repair means that station assembly can resume with the STS-115 mission, currently scheduled for next month. Per Phil Engelauf, chief of NASA's flight directors office: "It's great to be focused on how well everything's going on 121. But we have a huge amount of work coming ahead and the success of this mission so far, I think, is a good indicator that we're heading towards another launch in the August time frame unless anything new comes up."

Today In History

time Skylab cover

On this date in 1979, Skylab returned to Earth, somewhat the worse for wear.

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The Dark Times

JaxxonThe press release for the latest Star Wars comic book series begins:
"For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire."
-Ben Kenobi
The "dark times," eh?

You know, one could make the argument that in some ways the "dark times" was the period between the films in the early 80s and then slightly thereafter. It's ironic -- that was when Lucas had the greatest integrity when it came to the actual Star Wars movies, but possibly only because his money-making sell-out streak was being vented in other areas.

Case in point -- Jaxxon.

Introduced in the Marvel Comics Star Wars series in 1978, Jaxxon was a seven-foot-tall green sentient rabbit that joined our heroes in their adventures. Let me repeat: Jaxxon was a seven-foot-tall green sentient rabbit that joined our heroes in their adventures.

And he wasn't exceptional, there are plenty of similar examples of bizarre uses of or additions to the Star Wars universe over a 10-year period beginning around that time.

After that, though, there was a fallow period, where the Star Wars franchise largely set inactive. When it was resurrected in the early '90s with Timothy Zahn's new trilogy of books, Star Wars marketing entered a very different era -- products were tightly controlled by Lucasfilm and preserved an internal continuity.

As the Expanded Universe has expanded, though, it appears that tight control has loosened somewhat.

Anyway, point being, in issue one of "Dark Times," a Jedi master "leads a Nosaurian army in a war they have already lost. Is this what it now means to be a Jedi?"

According to the picture, "Nosaurians" are colorful, human-size, sentient dinosaurs. A Jedi Master is standing in battle next to an armed, bipedal triceratops. Who, by the way, is pink.

Dark times, indeed.

Monday, 10 July 2006

Dear Colleagues

So I'm curious if this is just the latest version of this scam that's going around, or if, for some reason, I'm managed to get on a target list of people who seem like they'd be more interested in books than $10 MILLION US.

Anyway, here's an e-mail I just got: (more)

Secret Identities

Assem HammoudI saw a piece on television yesterday (on Fox News -- thanks, Jordan) discussing the potential difficulty in identifying terrorists that stems from the case of Assem Hammoud. Basically, they were talking about the fact that his apparent drinking and womanizing was far from the typical Islamic radical profile, and it could be tougher to identify terrorists without a pattern to look for.

But, really, the pattern seems to be developing:

Hammoud was putting on the front of living as a playboy during the day to cover his secret life of striking fear into the hearts of his foes? Sounds familiar.

And the 9/11 terrorists trained as pilots, but were really sent here to fight against those that worship evil? Again, heard it before.

So the pattern of who terrorist hunters should look at becomes obvious:

Obviously, all newspaper reporters and photographers should be the first suspects. It shouldn't take too long to run a check on all of the nation's blind lawyers. And the government's probably keeping tabs on the nation's masters of the occult anyway.

New View

Discovery launchAmong the changes made for STS-121 was the opportunity to see launch as never before.

Discovery's two solid rocket boosters each carried three cameras that filmed the launch. Now that the SRBs have been recovered, the video they took is available online, and provides a perspective on take off very different even from the snippets of the ET cam that were shown during launch.

(Jordan -- I think you were the one I talked with about the covers on the RCS thrusters on the nose of the orbiter, and how the thrusters were uncovered. The covers can be seen falling off in this footage.)

STS-121 Update

DiscoveryDiscovery looks good.

After days of examining imagery of the orbiter's heat shield, NASA managers have concluded that there was no significant damage during launch, and have cleared the shuttle to come home one week from today.

John Shannon, chairman of NASA's Mission Management Team, said he remains optimistic NASA will resolve the few problems that have cropped up during Discovery's flight in time to launch the shuttle Atlantis Aug. 28 on a space station assembly mission, the first shuttle construction flight since Columbia went down in 2003.

In fact, it appears right now that the scheduling of the next flight depends not on anything related to the shuttle, but on the currently on-going spacewalk to repair the station's robot arm mobile platform.

NASA's official launch schedule currently shows STS-115 as NET Aug. 28.

Addendum: Launch is apparently scheduled for 4:04 p.m. EDT, but I can't find a site to confirm that yet.

Super Discussion

Don't read the discussion topic behind the cut if you're still concerned about Superman Returns spoilers: (more)

Sunday, 9 July 2006

All These Names

ATW logoSince I have the domain name alltheseworlds, Yahoo suggests I might also be interested in the following URLs:
  1. TheTheseWorlds
  2. YourTheseWorlds
  3. BestTheseWorlds
  4. TheGoneFishingAllThingsNauticalTreasuresOfTheseAplaceForWives

Saturday, 8 July 2006

STS-121 Update

DiscoveryPer Spaceflight Now:
NASA's Mission Management Team today officially approved a one-day mission extension for shuttle Discovery's crew, allowing the astronauts to stage a third spacewalk next week to test wing leading edge repair techniques.
With spacewalk preparations in high gear, engineers are still assessing the health of two leading edge panels on Discovery's right wing, along with a protruding gap filler just in front of a propellant feedline access door on the orbiter's belly. Mission Management Team Chairman John Shannon said today it might take another day or two before engineers can either give Discovery a clean bill of health or show the "regions of interest" represent potentially serious problems. While many engineers are optimistic - Discovery appears to be one of the "cleanest" shuttles ever launched - Shannon said he would not speculate on the possible outcome of the ongoing engineering analysis.
Likewise, engineers are still examining two RCC panels on Discovery's right wing - RCC panels 5R and 9R - that show apparent discoloration or other unexpected markings. Engineers are hopeful analysis of data from earlier laser scans and high-resolution imagery shot by the crew today will show no cracks or other serious defects exist. But given the high stakes involved, the RCC community is taking a thorough look at both panels.

Friday, 7 July 2006

Regular Richie Feature

RichieIt's been a while since I've done one of these, because I ran into a problem with it during the big server move a while back. And I can't really do the monthly top searches list, now, but here are some search strings that brought people to ATW on the last few days.
  • STS-121 current location
  • ULF 1.1
  • potterdammerung
  • sts 121 melis
  • astronaut "space suit" for sale EMU costume rent
  • "comic strip" "i'm a mac" "i'm a pc"
  • "space shuttle trivia"
  • superman gif
  • wrongsideoftown cast
  • discovery docking (sts-122)
  • david hitt
  • Is this grammatically correct? the color and sound of plasma television account for its popularity with movie fans
  • sts-121 blog
  • Mercury spaceship capsule-history
  • is quauor a planet
  • vader

Fourth Of July Hatbag

HatbagYeah, the Hatbag is late. Sorry.

Changes In Altitude

This may be fixed by the time you see it (I kinda hope it is), but Fox News has revealed that this space shuttle mission is orbiting much higher than previous flights (Check the caption on the second picture).

Ares Notes

Ares V launch with Ares program logoA few things I learned at a presentation yesterday:
  • After STS-121, there are 15 more shuttle missions planned.
  • Tuesday's launch will be the last time Pad 39B is used for the shuttle. It will soon begin refurbishment to support the Ares I. (I'm not sure if it will be dedicated only to the I, or if they'll configure the pad for both boosters, as was done in the last days of the Saturn.)
  • A test flight of the first stage of the Ares I is planned for 34 months from now. The demonstration flight will feature a mock-up of the upper stage and CEV.
  • NASA is working towards a crewed test flight of the Ares I in 2010.
  • At the moment, plans are for CEV spacecraft to be reusable for a total of 10 flights, but that's subject to change.

Write Of Passage

Will Write For Food t-shirtOK, here's a bit of sad irony -- I need help writing something to proclaim myself a writer.

Many many moons ago, Lain bought me one of my all-time favorite t-shirts at the Newseum gift shop, with a front proclaiming "Will write for food."

The years, though, have taken their toll, and I went to the Newseum online store to order a replacement, only to discover that they were sold out.

I was considering using Cafepress or something to make a replacement myself, but I've been trying to decide if there is something along the same lines I'd rather have it say. Basically, I want something relatively short and straightforward, with funny being a bonus as long as doesn't detract from the message. The obvious alternatives would just be a simple "Writer" or "I write." or something along those lines, but I wanted to see if anybody had any ideas for anything catchier.

(And, if anybody else in the ATW community would be interested in whatever we come up with, I'll make it available.)

Thursday, 6 July 2006

Source Search

blogdexThis blog has arguably really suffered recently due to the Blogdex site being down. Blogdex is a site that shows which links are most popular with bloggers on a given day, and has introduced me to some cool stuff that I wouldn't have seen otherwise.

I've been trying to find a good substitute -- a decent non-specialized directory of cool-at-this-moment links. Anyone have any recommendations?

STS-121 Update

DiscoveryDiscovery is now safely docked with the International Space Station. Prior to the docking, the shuttle posed for the station crew to take additional images to check for damage. So far, with launch imagery, inspection boom imagery and the station's imagery, Discovery appears to be in excellent shape, though inspection of the pictures is still ongoing. (It has been discovered that a bird pooped on the shuttle, possibly in revenge for last year. [As a friend of mine put it, "Hello. My name is Inigo the bird. You killed my father. Prepare to be pooped on!"[)

Shuttle Sighting Update

shuttle docked to stationI tried to watch the shuttle and station passes last night, but was unable to do so because it was overcast.

Boy, what are the odds I would be in the right place at the right time to see the shuttle fly, but miss out on it because of clouds?

Anyway, after today's docking, you won't be able to see the two spacecraft individually, but they combined vehicles should be brighter than the two individiually. You can visit Skywatch to see when they'll pass over your location.

Also, after the undocking, there may be more opportunities to see the vehicles separately again.

Wednesday, 5 July 2006

Shuttle Sighting

The shuttle docks with the ISS tomorrow. I don't have any official word, but frequently before docking, it's possible to see the shuttle chasing the station at night.

I ran locations of a few ATW readers, and there will be station sightings for them tonight, which means it may be possible to see both spacecraft.

In Birmingham, the sighting begins at 9:00:53 tonight and will last for about two and a half minutes. The station will appear almost due north at about 20 degrees off the horizon, and will head toward almost due east.

In Jackson, the sighting begins a few seconds before 9, and last three minutes. The same north to east pattern will apply, but the station will be lower in the sky, around 10 degrees off the horizon.

In Memphis, the sighting begins a few seconds after 9, and lasts over three minutes. Ditto on the north to east, and it will appear around 20 degrees from the horizon.

In Huntsville, the sighting starts at a few seconds after 9:01. Same north to east, about 25 degrees of the horizon.

To find more sighting info, visit SkyWatch.

Addendum: I ran some of those locations again for shuttle, with mixed results. In Huntsville, Discovery will appear about three minutes after ISS disappears, for about a minute and a half. In Memphis, though, she won't be visible.

Our Adventure

us watching the shuttleI had promised a report on the trip, although, as I get ready to write it, I realize there's not really a whole lot to say.

We left Orlando for Titusville Saturday morning, arriving about four hours before launch was scheduled. Jordan found an ideal location on a pier. We had excellent visibility -- there was nothing to block the line of sight between us and the VAB and the pads. You couldn’t make out a lot of detail on the pads with the naked eye (though, when it was particularly clear, you could see the segments of the doors on the VAB), but with binoculars you could see the tops of the ET and SRBs (the orbiter was behind the pad from our vantage point). With Jordan’s telescope, you could clearly make out the clearly make out the ridged intertank area on the ET.

There was a pretty big crowd where we were; our pier was packed. Surrounding us were a group of college co-ops from Johnson Space Center. I had my old police-band scanner from my reporter days with me, and was able to pick up a ham-repeater of the launch control center audio feed. I’d considered getting rid of the thing a while back, and am very glad I didn’t -- it was the only way we knew what was going on (or when the launch was scrubbed). Between my scanner and Jordan’s telescope, we were information central on our pier.

Obviously, we would have preferred to see it launch, but, if you’re going to have to be there for a scrub, it was a great one. It went down to almost the last minute -- the weather switched back-and-forth between Go and No Go the whole time. At the end, when it was time to come out of the T-9 hold, they waited as long as possible to see if the weather would clear before finally making the decision to scrub.

If there had been any doubt that there had been a large crowd there for the launch, that would have been allayed on the way out of town. It took about two hours just to get from one side of Titusville to the other so we could get on the highway, and then quite a while to get back to Orlando.

The crowd had thinned considerably when we returned the next day; no idea how much of that was because of people only having time or dedication to try it once and how much of it was because the likelihood of a scrub was at 70 percent when we got there. Sunday was the opposite of Saturday -- no excitement at all. When the scrub was finally announced well before launch time, it was almost a relief. We carried our stuff back to the car in the rain and got back on the road. No traffic to fight this time.

We came back to Huntsville on Monday -- to make a very long story very short. The only space-related bit of the adventure was that I got a very bad signal phone call about the ET foam crack and the foam found on the pad, which left us uncertain whether there was even a possibility of a launch before the close of the window.

We did watch the launch, on my television at home yesterday; the second time in less than a year that I’ve been down there to watch a launch only to end up seeing it on TV at my house the day after I get home. But that just means I’m improving my odds for next time, right?

That said, a big-screen TV is not a bad way to watch a launch; it’s nice being able to see the detail that you wouldn’t get in person. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself. I am very glad, though, that our road-trip party all got to watch the launch together; it provided some closure for the trip.

Now I’m just trying to figure out when I can go back.


ares graphicDuring a recent visit to Marshall, NASA deputy administrator Shana Dale mentioned that the agency needed a better name than "CaLV" for its planned heavy lift vehicle if it wanted to inspire the public. (She also noted that the names used internally at MSFC for the booster -- "Big Daddy" and "Kong" -- probably weren't quite right either.)

I'll be honest, the newly announced names for the new boosters, Ares I (the smaller crew launch vehicle) and Ares V (the most powerful booster ever), didn't really grab me at first, though I had no problems with them. Basically, Ares seems questionable for a rocket designed initially for the moon (even if plans are for it to support later Mars missions).

I do like, though, the planetary name continuing from earlier boosters. (Von Braun's team created Redstone variants named Juno and Jupiter. When it came time to name the rockets for the Apollo program, Saturn was selected because it came after Jupiter. Following that trend, the new rockets should have been Uranus, but Ares is probably a much better option.)

I also really like the I and V designations, a reference to the rockets' Saturn analogs.

STS-115 Update

STS-115 mission patchMy favorite thing about the STS-121 mission so far? The shuttle is in space, launch video review is well underway, and the crew is carrying on inspections of the orbiter -- and the next shuttle launch is still scheduled for next month. That could change, of course, but, at this point, there's no indication that it will. And that's very nice, indeed.

Saturn Apollo Reunion

Saturn V artworkThe third annual Saturn Apollo Reunion will be held in Huntsville next weekend on July 15 at the Space and Rocket Center. Featured guests will be astronaut Dick Gordon (of Gemini XI and Apollo 12) and George Mueller, who was the head of manned spaceflight at NASA during Apollo.

Last year, there were quite a few members of the original Saturn team at the event as well.

Space iPods

fake space iPod adThis has been discussed for a while, but I've finally seen confirmation at collectSPACE -- the there are iPods in space. The STS-121 crew carried their music on iPods, as did Thomas Reiter, meaning his will be in space during his entire long-duration mission.

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It's Really Good Movie

Ellen FeissI've been meaning to post this for a while, but was hoping to find images from the movie, but now the official Web site it up.

Anyway, Apple Switch commercial star Ellen Feiss is the star of a new French independent film.

Hatbag Favor

HatbagWe've got another project we're working on to promote Hatbag that we would appreciate some help on.

For right now, if you have a favorite Hatbag strip (or strips), we'd really love to know what it is. Thanks!


Superman returnsThe teaser trailer for the Transformers movie is now online, and it makes pretty liberal use of NASA stock footage (and plays pretty fast and loose with facts considering it deals with an event in the pretty recent past, but the average viewer probably won't realize that).

My favorite part, though, is that -- and I guess this is appropriate, given what movie this is -- a rocket transforms from one booster to another in mid-flight.

Super Spoilers

Superman returnsThis post serves as a place for spoilery discussion of Superman Returns. My own thoughts, in brief, are below: (more)

The View

foam sheddingI am so far behind on just about everything in life and work right now that it'll be a while before I'm able to really catch up on our experiences over the past few days. Suffice it to say, we did see the STS-121 launch -- on my TV at home yesterday.

One thing that really struck me though -- Back in '61, there was some discussion about how to let Alan Shepard's launch be covered. The month before, the Soviet Union, in true Soviet style, had conducted Gagarin's launch in secret, announcing it only after it was successful. There were those who argued that the U.S. should handle its first spaceflight the same way. Ultimately, though, it was decided that if we couldn't be the first into space, and weren't even making an orbital flight yet, the one thing we could outdo the Soviets on was letting the public watch while it happened. If it went horribly wrong, the world would be watching.

Yesterday's launch shows that the same attitude is still very much alive and well at NASA. I haven't yet gone back and compared the times to confirm that what we were pretty sure we saw shedding during launch was in fact some of the foam that fell off. This is only the third launch, though, to carry an ET-mounted camera watching the launch. It would have been very easy to limit the broadcast of the launch to the ground-based views that the public has had on the other 112 launches. But instead NASA decided to take the approach of showing the ET camera view, and if that means the public sees foam shedding during launch, then so be it.

I'm very pleased that it appears that the shedding was not a problem, but I have much respect for those in the agency who made the decision to conduct the launch openly.

The 23rd Century B.C.

BCOK, the fact that Sunday's B.C. started with a religious reference -- not that uncommon.

Much more unusual -- That it's also very clearly a reference to Star Trek V. That Johnny Hart, he's a complicated man.

Saturday, 1 July 2006

Our Day

Click here for pic file.

We'll try again tomorrow.

Monday, 31 July 2006

Another iPhone Update

(Read Entry)

STS-125 Update

(Read Entry)

STS-115 Update

(Read Entry)

Casting My Vote

(Read Entry)

iPhone Update

(Read Entry)

Ah, George

(Read Entry)

Superman, Cut Again

(Read Entry)

Friday, 28 July 2006

Aliens Among Us

(Read Entry)

Soaring Eagle

(Read Entry)

STS-115 Update

(Read Entry)


(Read Entry)

Thursday, 27 July 2006

Pitching In

(Read Entry)

Dude, I'm So Faced

(Read Entry)

Regular Richie Feature

(Read Entry)

Aqua Interface

(Read Entry)

Wednesday, 26 July 2006

Monopoly On Debit Cards

(Read Entry)

Space Falls

(Read Entry)

STS-115 Update

(Read Entry)


(Read Entry)

Funny 'Cause It's "True"

(Read Entry)

Tuesday, 25 July 2006

Saving Skylab

(Read Entry)

Enduring Spirit

Rover passes 10 times its nominal mission. (Read Entry)

Hundreds Of Worlds

(Read Entry)

More iPod Rumors

(Read Entry)

Look, Ma, No Tail

(Read Entry)

Trek Question

(Read Entry)

Monday, 24 July 2006

Rise Of The Androids

(Read Entry)

STS-115 Update

(Read Entry)


(Read Entry)

Superman Returns Again

(Read Entry)

To Boldly Tease...

(Read Entry)

Friday, 21 July 2006

Naming CEV

collectSPACE reveals name of Crew Exploration Vehicle. (Read Entry)

Buy A Walk

(Read Entry)

STS-115 Update

(Read Entry)

The Kevin Smith-Hatbag Connection

(Read Entry)

Thursday, 20 July 2006

It's Good To Be King

(Read Entry)

Super Stamps

(Read Entry)

Also Today In History

(Read Entry)

Alias: Lost Trek Update

(Read Entry)

Today In History

(Read Entry)

Quarterly Report

(Read Entry)

Wednesday, 19 July 2006

Returned To Flight

(Read Entry)

Craft of the Day

(Read Entry)

Scanning Librarian

(Read Entry)

Tuesday, 18 July 2006

The Times They Are A'Changing

(Read Entry)

My Obit

(Read Entry)

Blowing Up In Space Update

(Read Entry)


(Read Entry)

Trek Gets Animated On DVD

(Read Entry)

Monday, 17 July 2006

Blowing Up In Space Update

(Read Entry)

STS-115 Update

(Read Entry)

Picture Of The Day

(Read Entry)

Mac Pro

(Read Entry)

STS-121 Final Update

(Read Entry)

Sunday, 16 July 2006

Lazy Sunday

A link to photos from the Saturn V reunion. (Read Entry)

Friday, 14 July 2006

Sidebar Update Update

(Read Entry)

Shuttle Sighting Update

(Read Entry)

Think Less Different

(Read Entry)

Thursday, 13 July 2006

Picture Of The Day

(Read Entry)

Blowing Up In Space Update

(Read Entry)

Trivial Pursuits

(Read Entry)

Superman Never Made Any Money...

(Read Entry)

Wednesday, 12 July 2006

Career Options

(Read Entry)

STS-121 Update

(Read Entry)

Editorial Note

(Read Entry)

Tuesday, 11 July 2006

Sidebar Update

(Read Entry)

Blowing Up In Space

(Read Entry)

The Fix Is In

(Read Entry)

Today In History

Skylab deorbited in 1979. (Read Entry)

The Dark Times

(Read Entry)

Monday, 10 July 2006

Dear Colleagues

(Read Entry)

Secret Identities

(Read Entry)

New View

(Read Entry)

STS-121 Update

(Read Entry)

Super Discussion

(Read Entry)

Sunday, 9 July 2006

All These Names

(Read Entry)

Saturday, 8 July 2006

STS-121 Update

(Read Entry)

Friday, 7 July 2006

Regular Richie Feature

(Read Entry)

Fourth Of July Hatbag

(Read Entry)

Changes In Altitude

(Read Entry)

Ares Notes

(Read Entry)

Write Of Passage

(Read Entry)

Thursday, 6 July 2006

Source Search

(Read Entry)

STS-121 Update

(Read Entry)

Shuttle Sighting Update

(Read Entry)

Wednesday, 5 July 2006

Shuttle Sighting

(Read Entry)

Our Adventure

(Read Entry)


(Read Entry)

STS-115 Update

(Read Entry)

Saturn Apollo Reunion

(Read Entry)

Space iPods

STS-121 crew carried iPods with them on flight. (Read Entry)

It's Really Good Movie

(Read Entry)

Hatbag Favor

(Read Entry)


(Read Entry)

Super Spoilers

(Read Entry)

The View

(Read Entry)

The 23rd Century B.C.

(Read Entry)

Saturday, 1 July 2006

Our Day

(Read Entry)